Welcome to the Year Six class page. Miss Chadwick and Miss Righton are our class teachers. Miss Righton teaches on Monday and Friday and Miss Chadwick teaches Tuesday to Thursday. Mrs Carlin is our teaching assistant. Here you can find lots of information about Year Six as well as keep up to date with all of of the exciting things that we get up to throughout the school year. Parents, we will keep you right up to date via ClassDojo.
Our Learning
This year in school we will be covering lots of exciting themes:
Bombs, Battles & Bravery
Angel of the North
Walk Like an Egyptian
Back to the Future
Comings & Goings
Within our themes, our History, Geography, Art, Design & Technology and Science learning will be linked. Some terms will have a History focus whereas others will have a Geography focus. The same will apply to Art and Design & Technology, where the focus will differ in each term depending on the theme. Science will be taught in every term.
Our PE, RE, PSHE, French, Computing & Music learning will be taught every term, running alongside and our themes, with links being made where possible.
Autumn Term Theme
This is our main theme for the Autumn term, we will learn about the interesting and emotive topic of World War 2. We will learn about the outbreak of war, the Blitz and why & how children were evacuated. We will use drama and role play to try and imagine what it was like for children during WW2. In our History lessons, we will focus on examining the impact of WW2 on our locality, as well as comparing this with the impact of the First World War. We will also look at important journeys in history, including evacuees and the Kindertransport. In Design Technology, our focus will be textiles, considering the war effort of ‘Make do & mend’ and we will make our own waistcoats! Light will be the theme in Science, as we learn about how light travels, including refraction. We will learn about the use of spotlights in WW2 as well as how periscopes work.
Spring Term Themes
In our first theme of the Spring term, we will be learning about sculpture, creating our own small & large-scale sculptures in our Art lessons.
In our Geography lessons, we will consider if we are damaging our world and look at possible ways we can protect it. Living Things and Their Habitats will be our focus in Science, as we learn about sorting animals based on their similarities and differences and learn about micro-organisms.
In our second half term, we will be exploring the interesting History theme of the Ancient Egyptians. We will discuss whether Ancient Egypt deserves its reputation as one of the most important early civilisations.
In our DT lessons, cooking and nutrition will be our focus as we look at recipes and do some cooking! The circulatory system, the impact of diet, exercise & nutrition and how nutrients are transported will be our learning in Science.
Summer Term Themes
In our first theme of the Summer term, we will be learning about our world in the future through our Geography learning, including learning about how Grantham has changed and predicting how it might change in the future. Our Art learning explores the theme of different artists, including David Hockney. We will look at the stories their artwork can tell and create work in the style of famous artists. Science lessons will focus on evolution and inheritance as we learn about how plants and animals have adapted over time.
In our second half term, we will be exploring the interesting Geography theme ‘trade', exploring the question ‘where does all our stuff come from?’. In our Art lessons, we will be refining our drawing skills, looking at a range of styles including chiaroscuro and street art.. Additionally, our Scientific investigative skills will be strengthened during the Summer term as we carry out a range of investigations to consolidate and extend our scientific understanding.
Our Routines
These are the expectations for home learning for this term. We expect your child to bring their book bag to school each day with their reading book and spelling book.
Children should read three times per week (for at least 10-15 minutes) and this should be signed off by an adult at home. Children also have a question or short task to complete when they have finished a book.
There will be 6 High Frequency word spellings and 6 RWI Spellings which will be tested on a Monday.
Children should complete 15 minutes per week on IXL
TT Rockstars:
Children should practise their multiplication and division facts regularly and are expected to complete 15 minutes on TT Rockstars (unless Rock Star status is achieved then they do not need to continue with TT Rockstars).
We have some optional suggested tasks to complete in order to further enhance your child’s learning. You can find this in the Class & Curriculum Overview Document on the Class Downloads page.
Thank you in advance for all of your support with your child’s homework tasks.
In Year 6, the children have PE on Mondays and go swimming on Wednesdays, up until February half term . We will cover a range of PE options throughout the year starting with gymnastics and dance in the Autumn term. In the Spring term, we will be doing fitness, dodgeball and hockey. The Summer term will be Athletics, Rounders and OAA.
The children should come to school wearing their PE uniform on Mondays and Wednesdays. This should consist of trainers, shorts/skirt and/or jogging bottoms, a white or school t-shirt and a sweatshirt or jumper. Children should also bring the correct swimwear for our swimming lesson on Wednesdays: full costumes for girls and trunks or short bathing shorts for boys, and a swimming cap as well as a towel.
After February half term, our Wednesday swimming lessons will be replaced by a PE lesson on a Wednesday.
downloads & homework
Y6 Information
Year 6 Timetable Term 4 Onwards (No Swimming) | 93KB | Download |
Y6 Timetable Term 1-3 Swimming | 101KB | Download |
Y6 Curriculum Framework | 165KB | Download |
Year 6 Homework Term 3 | 179KB | Download |
Year 6 Homework Term 4 + 5 | 175KB | Download |
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