Welcome to st anne’s ce primary school

Welcome to St Anne's CE Primary School. Here at our school we strive to provide the opportunity for each child to enjoyably achieve their full potential in a happy and nurturing Christian school environment.

Rooted in faith, family and friendship.
Growing in hope and aspiration.
Flourishing in love.

'...these three remain: faith, hope and love;
and the greatest of these is love.'

1 Corinthians 13:13

If you're considering applying to send your child to St Anne's please contact Mrs McGill in the school office on 01476 564505 or via enquiries@st-annes.lincs.sch.uk, to arrange an appointment for a visit and tour of our school. Please take the time to read our school prospectus (in the School Information section) and enjoy these two videos we made to show you how much we love our school. 

Scroll down for a quick update of what’s going on.

  • Foundation Letter Matching
  • KS1 Chalkboard Maths
  • KS2 Still Life Artwork
  • KS2 Planet Study
  • trimtrail
  • watercolour
  • Captain Mannering
  • ICT suite

your quick catch-up guide

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Big News
