Welcome to the Year Two class page. Mrs Devonald and Mrs Thompson are our class teachers and Mrs Pearce is our class teaching assistant. Here you can find lots of information about Year Two as well as keep up to date with all of the exciting things that we do and learn throughout the school year. Enjoy!
Year Two
Our Learning
In Year 2 the children will learn, increase their knowledge and develop a wide variety of skills by investigating interesting and engaging topics throughout the year. Covering English, Science, History, Geography, Art, and Design Technology, the six topics for Year 2 are:
1. Weather Watch
2. Flying Firsts
3. Food, Glorious Food
4. Our Wonderful World
5. By Royal Appointment
6. Defying Gravity
Phonics, Mathematics, Computing, Religious Education, Music, PSHE and PE are all taught as discrete subjects and details of their annual frameworks, along with additional information on the themes above can be found in the Y2 Curriculum Framework document and our termly Curriculum Overviews located in the downloads area below.
In the first half of the Autumn term, our theme is called 'Weather Watch' Our focus will be learning about weather and plants. In Science, the children will learn what plants need to grow through discussions, observations, predictions and working scientifically to carry out an investigation. Our Geography lessons will focus on different types of weather, seasons and how the weather can affect activities people do and our Art lessons will develop colour mixing skills, creating textured papers and collages using paint and learn about the work of artist Romare Bearden.
In the second half of the Autumn term, in our theme 'Flying Firsts' children will learn about the history of flight by investigating the lives of The Wright Brothers and Amelia Earhart and consider how some of the ‘Flying Firsts’ have changed our lives and the world we live in. In Science, the children will learn to identify and compare materials and investigate the changing shape of solid objects. Our DT lessons we will develop our sewing skills to create a Christmas or Winter decoration.
Our Routines
Mrs Thompson teaches the class on Monday and Tuesday with Mrs Devonald taking over on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
The children really enjoy reading at home and we would ask that your child is supported with their reading at home at least 3 times a week. Books will be changed regularly as part of our RWI Phonics Programme which provides opportunities for children to read and re-read each book to support their fluency and comprehension skills. Please remember to bring books to school each day so that they can read with staff and volunteers and to sign their diary each time they read at home.
In Year 2, Children will learn x10, x2 and x5 timestables and Timestables RockStars is great for this. All children have their own personal login and we would like the children to practise for at least 15 minutes each week using this resource from October half term. In addition to TTRockstars, children also have access to Numbots and IXL to continue to practise additional Maths and English skills at home. Please encourage your child to use both these online resources at home each week as they will support and embed learning taking place in the classroom.
A list of personalised spelling words will be given to the children on a Tuesday for them to be able to read and spell ready for a short test the following Monday.
To enrich the children's learning in school a selection of optional home learning tasks will be sent home at the beginning of each new term. Details of these tasks can also be found in the downloads area.
PE will take place on Monday and Wednesday and it is expected that your child will wear the appropriate PE kit into school on these days. Many of our PE lessons will take place outside so we recommend your child wears jogging bottoms on cooler days and trainers with their PE t-shirt and school jumper. Please also remember to remove earrings before school on PE days. Thank you.
downloads & homework
Y2 Information
Y2 Curriculum Framework 2024-2025 | 194KB | Download |
Y2 Timetable 2024-2025 | 102KB | Download |
Y2 Autumn Term Class and Curriculum Overview | 2MB | Download |
Y2 Spring Term Class and Curriculum Overview | 4MB | Download |
Y2 Autumn Term 1 Homework | 245KB | Download |
Y2 Autumn Term 2 Homework | 444KB | Download |
Y2 Spring Term 1 Homework | 461KB | Download |
Y2 Optional SATs Parent Information | 1MB | Download |
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