Welcome to the Year One class page. Mr Hill is our class teacher and Miss Marshall is our class teaching assistant. Mrs Mawby and Mrs Barwell will also be supporting our learning throughout the week. Here you can find lots of information about Year One as well as keeping up to date with all of the exciting things that we get up to throughout the school year.
Our Learning
This year in school, we will be enjoying lots of fun and exciting activities through our themes! Each themes will last for a half term, except The Big Dig, which will run for the whole of the Autumn Term, and over the academic year will fully cover each aspect of English, Science, Geography, History, Art, Design & Technology and Music. The themes for Year 1 are:
1. The Big Build
2. Animal Allsorts
3. Let's Celebrate Me!
4. Sense-ational Explorers
5. Glorious Grantham
English, Phonics, Mathematics, Computing, Religious Education, PSHE, Music and PE will all be taught discretely each week
Please join our ClassDojo if you don't already and keep checking the class page for updates throughout the term.
Our Routine
In Year One, our optional homework is given at the start of each new term, which will, where possible, have a fun and practical element to help enrich the children's learning. We love to celebrate the work children do in class or on ClassDojo, so please send it in for use to share.
High Frequency Word spellings will be given out on Tuesday for your child to practise reading and spelling, and they will be tested on these words the following Monday.
Reading is such a valuable life skill and is also relevant across all subjects within school. Regular practise really does make a huge difference to reading ability, as does talking about what has been read with someone at home too. Please try to ensure your child reads at home as often as possible (at least 3 times a week) and gets their home/school diary signed to indicate that this has happened. Reading books will be changed regularly in line with our phonic programme so please ensure your child's book is in school everyday.
PE will take place on Tuesday and a Friday in Year One. It is expected that your child will wear appropriate PE kit to school on these days. The correct PE kit consists of: a white t-shirt, navy shorts or skort and black trainers. A navy tracksuit is an optional extra for when the weather is colder. Please ensure that all items of PE kit is clearly named and earrings are removed or covered before each PE day. Thank you
downloads & homework
Y1 ANNUAL FRAMEWORK 2024 | 141KB | Download |
Y1 TIMETABLE | 99KB | Download |
Y1 CLASS TIMETABLE | 7MB | Download |
Ten Top Tips for Reading with your Child | 110KB | Download |
Read Write Inc Phonics Parents FAQs | 151KB | Download |
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