Christingle Service 2021
For the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic began, St Anne’s were able to hold their Christingle Service in the church. Unfortunately, parents were unable to attend, but that didn’t stop us enjoying our time during the service. We had one for Key Stage 2 in the morning, and one for Key Stage 1 in the afternoon. We sang plenty of Christmas Carols together, and were treated to a contemporary version of “Oh Come All Ye Faithful” by Year 4. The children in Year 5 told us the history of the Christingle, Year 6 sang “The Christingle Song” and Year 3 sang “Oh Christmas Tree”. During the Key Stage 1 Christingle, Year 2 retold the Nativity Story Brilliantly.
The real moment of note in the service, was, as it always is, when the children held their lighted Christingles and sang “Away in a Manger” unaccompanied by the piano.
It was a brilliant service and the children all performed exceptionally well.