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FS & KS1 'Indian Experience' Workshops

FS & KS1 'Indian Experience' Workshops

Today we had a very special visitor called Sunita visit us from 'The Indian Experience' to help us learn about the culture and traditions of India and Hinduism. We began the day with a whole school assembly where Sunita shared the important story of 'Rama and Sita' and how it linked to the Hindu festival of Diwali. The story was told in a very interactive way, using voices, actions and dance, and all the children (and teachers!) were able to get involved! 

The day continued with the children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 enjoying workshops with Sunita, which included dressing up and learning about traditional Indian dress and learning some fun dances. The children even got a very special bindi each to wear and take home! We all had a brilliant time and look forward to Sunita visiting our school again in the future.