Super Science Week
The children have enjoyed an action packed, fun-filled week of Science and Engineering activities as part of our Science Week.
As part of the week, each class took part in two days of engaging workshops with 'Paleolab' where they explored fossils, animal skeletons and evolution with the help of Zoologist Jules Howard. It was brilliant to see the children so excited and enthusiastic.
During the week, the children have also met a number of people who have science and engineering related jobs. We have met an Engineer, Zoologist, Sports Physical Trainer, Science Sales Technician and a Vet. Thank you to all of the visitors who Kindly gave their time to inspire us all.
Thank you also to all of the parents and family members who attended or Science themed Open Afternoon. We hope you all enjoyed getting 'stuck in' with exciting science and engineering activities which included activities such as exploring clouds in YR, chocolate and gingerbread tasting in Y4 and 5 and even dissecting Roman, Viking and Tudor poo in Y3. Yuk!
Finally, well done to our selfie competition winners. Adam (Y5), Mark (Y4), Evie (Y1) and Myla (YR) . It was fantastic to see over eighty entries with children enjoying and investigating science at home. Well done to you all. You are amazing!