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Y4 trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Y4 trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Year 4 had a wonderful trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park as part of our ‘Amazing Amazon’ and ‘A place for Everything’ topics for the summer term, to support our understanding of animal habitats and the environments in which they live.

We spent the first couple of hours exploring the different animal enclosures from Project Polar to Lion Country observing and discussing a great range of animals, many of which are endangered. It was great to see such a diverse array of animals from around the world and witness some of their natural behaviours. We particularly enjoyed being able to walk through the wallaby and lemur enclosures and see the animals close up, especially the joeys peeking out of their mothers’ pouches.

After a picnic lunch in the sunshine, we went to an education session where we learned all about the polar bears at the park and how they adapt and live in different habitats. Alfie made a great polar bear as we explored how wonderful these creatures are.

Before we left, we had the opportunity to play in the Forest Adventure playground and had lots of fun climbing and playing together in the sunshine.