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Sports for Champions

Sports for Champions

What a treat we've had today! We started the afternoon by taking part in a sponsored fitness circuit. We had to do four different activities, each one for  thirty seconds - that might sound easy but it was very tiring! One thing that kept us motivated was that we were joined by Team GB athlete and world bobsleigh champion, Bex Wilson.

Once everyone from reception to Year 6 had completed the circuit, we had an assembly hosted by Bex. She told us all about her training, what she has to eat and what it feels like to represent your country.

At the end of our assembly, she told us that we had raised an amazing total of £1979.70 to support athletes throughout Great Britain and that Year 5 had raised the most money with an impressive total of over £440!

Well done and a huge thank you to everyone who sponsored us. You made a big difference!

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