Bethesda Church Visit
Year 5 and 6 visit Bethesda Church
Year 5 and 6 visit Bethesda Church
Thanks to everyone who has taken part in our recent ‘Book Bonanza.’ We started the event with our ‘Bedtime Stories’ themed celebration of World Book Day and had an amazing time sharing stories together. The children enjoyed hot chocolate and cuddles with their bedtime bears as they listened to some fab new stories! Competition winners were announced on Friday, with some amazing entries making finding the winners for the short story and book token competitions very difficult indeed. Congratulations to all the children who entered, particularly our 8 winners! Monday saw us investigate our favourite book characters and Tuesday finished things off well with our ever-popular family reading event. Thanks to all of the families who join us in the hall and celebrated reading with their children. The Book Fair was busy before and after school each day and sold over £1000 worth of books so there are some very fortunate children at our school who I hope have remembered to say thank you to their grown-ups. We would like to finish by saying a massive thank you to everyone for making this week such a success … THANK YOU!
We all enjoyed a lovely end of term Easter service at St Anne’s Church today.
As part of their Bombs, Battles & Bravery topic, Year 6 spent the day at the National Holocaust Centre in Newark.